Berlin Gesture Center | Interdisziplinäres BGC-Kolloquium


Vortrag von Massimo Serenari:

Das Berliner Lexikon der Alltagsgesten | The Berlin Dictionary of Everyday Gestures

Dienstag, 22. Februar 2005, 19 Uhr, Boltzmannstr. 3 (Raum 1105), 14195 Berlin (U-Bahnhof Thielplatz)


We discuss the optimal way of organizing a regional dictionary of emblematic gestures which describes not only the forms, meanings and functions of each gesture but also provides information on the distribution of gesture users within the population (stratified according to age, sex and origin), and covers the ontogenetic and phylogenetic aspects of gesture development including etymology.


Exemplarische Lexikoneinträge des Berliner Lexikon der Alltagsgesten